Monday: Ridiculous

You know the extreme preparation that makes my life function is untenable sometimes. I put Boy Scouts to shame left and right. I read Kimberly Snyder's book 7 years ago, and it revolutionized my life.


Even on days when I eat tacos for lunch or have some sort of Dorito meltdown, it all starts with a Glowing Green Smoothie.  For real, half of my freezer looks just like this. Without fail, I have a glass of water with lemon and then a Glowing Green Smoothie for breakfast. I make my smoothies without bananas on Sunday, then freeze them and defrost one each evening and re-blend it with a banana before I got to work in the morning. It is pathological, but you should see the improvement in my skin. I also make all my lunches on Sunday and portion them out in Tupperwares to put in my work cooler so that everything is ready to go in the morning. I get immense satisfaction from looking the fridge and seeing all my meals waiting to be stowed in my cooler. It is like a sickness.

Then there are my clothes. I plan those the week before as well. THEN, because it never ends, I pack my clothes for coaching my son's track practice. Can we talk about how each night, packing all the food, work clothes and after work clothes, you would think I would at least get a tour of Europe out of the deal? But NO, that is just how I pack to make it through the day.

Anyway, last night, like the champion of organization that I am, I was ready to go.  Food cooler ready, Nespresso machine (hello, lover!!) ready, clothes hung in the master bath for work (Charlotte Olympia cat flats, they work for every situation)

, clothes packed the car for track practice. Swimsuits for swim team after track practice. ALL OF IT! I was ready to conquer Monday and possibly the world.  However, a monster storm wended its way through Nashville. The city shut down. Work dismissed, school dismissed at 11:30 AM.  AND THEN THE STORM NEVER CAME. What is worse than the work of preparation than the preparation for nothing!! The loose ends and dragging it all back in the house and resigning it, unused, to its designated spot and the milling about.

We had some impromptu Lacrosse and I found both of my children on the roof at one point (and I might have been so glad that they were quiet, that I didn't even care), but even the best laid plans show us that we are not the ones in control. My smoothies and lunches and planned outfits will hold to another day. It felt like the end of Where the Wild Things Are: My supper was waiting on me, and it was still hot. 


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