Let's Get Back in There

So this year, my five year old went to a full time Kindergarten program and I slowly, but surely began the slow march back to full-time employment.  Was it time? Yes.  Do I love what I do? So many yeses.  Did I have a few small panic attacks and was there ever a time where there was a mix-up about who was picking up G-Money at Kindergarten, and I was forced to field a call from a disgruntled after care teacher?  Fo Sho, lovers.  Was there some crippling and unnecessary mom guilt?  Of course.   I am, however, getting back on my game.  I have the after school activities down.  I have my workout schedule down.  I have my food situation down.  I struggle the most with how to pull all of that together into a professional look that works for my whole day.  Can I put on tennis shoes with it and hot step it to the soccer field?  Can I put on leggings with it and lift weights during tennis lessons?

Another aspect of whattoweardom that I find particularly difficult is that I work on a college campus and have so many troubles with the following question:  Does it work if I have to walk her a mile from my car to the office in the pouring rain?  Or if I have to walk to a whole other part of campus for a meeting? I sometimes can't hold an umbrella, because I'm schlepping all my stuff.  Perfect raincoat and boots are imperative.  Also, there must always be a cashmere sweater on hand to combat the air-conditioning in the summer or lack of adequate heating in the winter.  It sounds overwhelming, right?  Or like I should just wear a garbage bag and forget it. However, I am the kind that cannot forget it and I sometimes like to remember it while wearing a fuzzy leopard coat.  (Which I sometimes do and totally enjoy. Get one for yourself!)

I'm one year into full time employment, I do all my food prep on Sundays, I coach track and cross county at my kids school and the Birmingham Marathon nearly killed me this year. Let's all keep our fingers crossed.


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