
Showing posts from March, 2018

Outfit Count: FIVE

Insane. If not for my pathological preparing, I would have quit. When I fully wend through the ins and outs of how today happened, it sounds terrible. I did get caught out at one point, and an esteemed friend was mildly disgusted, but you know what I say to that,-- "I live to fight another day." Before I let you know how this went down without hitting the fan, I feel like I need to tell you that since I have joined the full time work force, my husband handles the morning school drop off and I handle the afternoon pick up. It is working so far and is an important caveat to my survival. So this morning I had 5:30 AM run followed by a 7:00 AM meeting where I needed to look professional. I met my running group  at our usual Tuesday spot, a local college where we park by a bus stop with a heated bathroom. I knew I could make it work for me. I ran with my running group, then tried to stand around, VAINLY hoping that they would all leave. My game plan was to sneak my bag out of th

Monday: Ridiculous

You know the extreme preparation that makes my life function is untenable sometimes. I put Boy Scouts to shame left and right. I read Kimberly Snyder's book 7 years ago, and it revolutionized my life.   Even on days when I eat tacos for lunch or have some sort of Dorito meltdown, it all starts with a Glowing Green Smoothie.   For real, half of my freezer looks just like this. Without fail, I have a glass of water with lemon and then a Glowing Green Smoothie for breakfast. I make my smoothies without bananas on Sunday, then freeze them and defrost one each evening and re-blend it with a banana before I got to work in the morning. It is pathological, but you should see the improvement in my skin. I also make all my lunches on Sunday and portion them out in Tupperwares to put in my work cooler so that everything is ready to go in the morning. I get immense satisfaction from looking the fridge and seeing all my meals waiting to be stowed in my cooler. It is like a sickness. Then

Let's Get Back in There

So this year, my five year old went to a full time Kindergarten program and I slowly, but surely began the slow march back to full-time employment.  Was it time? Yes.  Do I love what I do? So many yeses.  Did I have a few small panic attacks and was there ever a time where there was a mix-up about who was picking up G-Money at Kindergarten, and I was forced to field a call from a disgruntled after care teacher?  Fo Sho, lovers.  Was there some crippling and unnecessary mom guilt?  Of course.   I am, however, getting back on my game.  I have the after school activities down.  I have my workout schedule down.  I have my food situation down.  I struggle the most with how to pull all of that together into a professional look that works for my whole day.  Can I put on tennis shoes with it and hot step it to the soccer field?  Can I put on leggings with it and lift weights during tennis lessons? Another aspect of whattoweardom that I find particularly difficult is that I work on a coll